Two Weeks of Riding... Cardiacs and Reconditioning

Last last week Saturday was my solo cardiac training to The Wall...

Sunday ride was a visit to Nanay Elsa's place, Bike Blessing and the Ride and Dine with the PMTB Babes.

Monday was a holiday so Sunday's ride was followed by our scheduled La Mesa trail ride with Dad's friends and my colleagues, Mike, Jeff and Erick.

Then last Friday... I had a check-up, but during the afternoon I withdrew some cash to combine it with dad's offer. That is to get a new ride, with the deal of giving DIA to my younger bro. Anyhow that goes to another story.

This Saturday was our scheduled ride to Licao-Licao... it was supposed to be a half-day ride turned whole day. Exhausted and sported an injury that the next day I was supposed to get an anti-tetanus shot at the UP Infirmary, instead I was given a medication to take for the next few days to stabilize the pain as well as to prevent germs from getting into the wound.


Actually I really hate compiling all the stories once again. But I betcha this'll be the last...

Since now, and finally we've transferred to Makati, and a plus! Blogger's not blocked. So its pure joy that I won't be transferring to VOX.


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